
Where can you listen to podcasts?

 1.  Soundcloud An online audio distribution platform and site with social networking features where you can listen to and download your podcasts. 2.  Pocketcasts The world's most powerful and easy-to-use podcast platform, listener app. The podcast player provides next level listening, searching and discovery tools. 3.  Podcastrepublic A good program for listening to podcasts on android devices. It is convenient, advanced and beautiful, because it offers a functional player and a number of useful functions, for example, synchronization with Dropbox, gesture control, and more. 4.  Castbox Multifunctional program for listening to podcasts and other audio information. A simple interface will help you quickly figure out how to use.

Media storage

1. Youtube It is a great platform for finding videos on any topic that interests you. Here you can find a variety of workouts, nutrition lectures and video recipes. 2.  Pinterest It is a repository with a simple and user-friendly interface. Both photos and videos are located here. From here it is easy to download any file to your phone or computer. You can also create a selection of interesting photos in the application itself. 3.   Instagram It is the most popular platform at the moment. You can subscribe to the profile you are interested in, exchange messages. Upload photos and videos, find different workouts and recipes.

Your healthy mind

Your healthy mind

Sport is open to each of you!


Home workouts are convenient

Hey! You can listen to my podcast on workout at home here☺

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Grammar test

Lucid dream

   L ucid dream Lucid dreams are dreams in which a person realizes that he is sleeping, but can be an active participant in scenes occurring in the subconscious mind. Dreaming techniques All lucid dreaming techniques require the implementation of a number of general recommendations necessary to increase the likelihood of entering the state of the phase and subsequent retention in it: 1. Intention when falling asleep Every time you fall asleep, focus on the thought of how you will wake up and do any of the planned techniques. It is very important not to miss the moment and avoid disruption of the attempt by any physical movement. 2. Waking up without movement With the delayed method, after waking up, it is necessary to maintain complete calmness of the body. No physical movement - immediately transition to the application of techniques. At the same time, in the first seconds, you can try IMMEDIATELY to separate from the body, even without using the techniques. This is accomplis...

Healthy lifestyle vocabulary quiz


Webliography - motivation



Smart card


The basics of healthy sleep

   The basics of healthy sleep Healthy sleep is a guarantee of vigor, good physical condition, health and energy. At this time, tissue regeneration is activated, the production of hormones necessary for normal life.  Chronic lack of sleep can lead to the following consequences: Poor memory and decreased attention. Irritability and depressed emotional state. Decreased immunity. Premature aging, deterioration of the skin and hair. Increased risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease How many hours do you need to sleep per day?  The duration of healthy sleep is a purely individual thing. Someone gets enough sleep in 6 hours, while 9 is not enough for someone. The average standard is considered to be 8 hours a day. Sleep for more than 10 hours is believed to be as harmful to the body as sleep deprivation. Therefore, experts recommend allocating 7 to 9 hours for a night's rest. 10 rules for healthy sleep Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. Be active during the day, walk mo...

How to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

 How to calculate proteins, fats, carbohydrates and what is it for? Health, activity, mood and appearance of a person directly depend on his diet. The eternal law of nature operates in it - the need for a balance of components. Our food consists of the so-called nutrients, their ratio affects the amount of nutrients in the body, weight gain or loss, and overall well-being.When composing a healthy menu, they are calculated taking into account the total calorie content of the diet. What it is? Nutrients are the most important "building material" of our body, the ratio of which determines the amount of energy received from food, and the peculiarities of its processing by the body. Science divides them into three key groups: proteins responsible for muscle growth fats that control hormonal balance, brain function, absorption of vitamins carbohydrates are a source of glucose. Nutrients differ in energy value, effect on the body, and for a correct diet, you need to know how muc...

Proper preparation for training

 Training at home is convenient and profitable! It is convenient to train at home. To train, you do not need to go or go somewhere, adjust your affairs to the training schedule, pay for additional services of a personal trainer, buy expensive sports uniforms. Yes, and carving out 2-3 hours for the road and visiting a fitness club is sometimes difficult, but 20-30 minutes for training at home under video lessons can always be allocated. At home, you can train even when the child is sleeping - which is very convenient for young mothers. But home workouts have their pitfalls. And you should know about them. The four whales of homework: 1. Organization. Schedule your workouts in your daily planner and stick to the plan. Leave the right amount of time for sports. Lessons on the residual principle - when I do all the things, they will not lead to anything good. Leave time for rest - after sports activities, the body must recover. 2. Adequate loads. Do not turn yourself into a trapped hor...